
odule6 Unit1 You can play football well教学设计
海口市秀英区林青小学   陈玲珍  527544
本课围绕学生喜欢的“体育项目”这一主题,引出相关的单词及动词短语,学习如何评价自己和肯定及鼓励他人。主要语言结构为:You can play football well. You can jump really high. You are very good at basketball. You can catch the ball well. Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.
1、知识目标:通过学习,学生能够牢固掌握下列单词和词组:well, team,  really, good at, catch, goalkeeper, think ,fantastic,  fan , catch the ball,  pass the ball。
2、能力目标:学生学会使用恰当的句型来评价自己和他人,如:I can catch the ball well. You can jump really high. You can pass the ball well 等。在小组合作学习中,使学生具备正确评价自己和评价他人的能力。
2、学生学会使用恰当的句型来评价自己和他人,如:I can catch the ball well. You can jump really high. You can pass the ball well 等。
3、通过学习,学生能够掌握fantastic和 be good at 。
(一)Warming up:
1、Greetings: Hello, boys and girls.
Swim, swim,  I can  swim.
Play, play, I can  play .
Jump, jump, I can jump.
Run,  run,  I can  run.
Ride ,ride, I can ride.

(二)Leading in:
1、Look at some pictures让学生看图说出动词短语。如play football , play basketball,  run fast, jump high等等。
(三)New  words learning
2、拿出教具足球,并提问学生Can you play football ?
S:Yes,I can.
T:Can you play football well?
S;Yes,I can .
T:Fantastic !you can play football well .
2、展示足球队的图片,学习football team。组建一支足球队,足球队员需要run fast and jump high.
T:Can you run fast?
S1:Yes,I can.
T:Can you jump high?
S2: Yes,I can.
T:Really? Let us have a match.
T:Fantastic ,(says to the winner) you can jump really high .You can be a good goalkeeper.
(运用图片和游戏活动教授新单词really , team ,goalkeeper,并复习已学过的词组run fast 和jump high,再次用到了单词fantasitc,为接下来的教学做了一个铺垫。)
3、展示姚明打球的图片T:This is Yaoming. He can play basketball well. He is good at basketball.引出 be good at 的学习
4、老师叫两位学生上讲台来做传球和接球的动作,学习词组catch the ball 和 pass the ball,并通过图片练习catch the ball well. pass the ball well.教师告诉学生 I think you are good at catching the ball.I think you are good at passing the ball. I am your fan.
(通过老师的动作,体态,语言依次学习了几个较难的单词与词组think  fan  catch the ball   pass the bal以及突破了教学难点be good at。)
(四) New text learning
1、T:Now we have got a football team. Lingling wants to be in our football team. Is she a fantastic goalkeeper? Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
Can lingling run fast?
Can lingling pass the ball well?
Can lingling jump high?
Can lingling catch the ball well?
3、听课文录音 跟录音读两遍。
1、Pair work:学校足球队开始招收足球运动员了(以小组为单位,利用句型Can you …? 来提问,看看谁可以成为足球运动员)
3、老师发给学生每人一张自制好的表格,让学生在自己擅长的活动下面画笑脸。,然后请学生上讲台来用I can...well.进行自我评价。讲台下面的学生便用You can …well来评价与肯定他
I can …… well
Module6 Unit1 You can play football well.
   I can…well.
   You can …well.

