
Teaching aims :

1.掌握There be 句型并会用他们做句子。

2.学会There be 句型的一般疑问句及肯定答语和否定答语。

Step 1.There be句型

Task 1.观察句子,讲解There be 句型的含义。

There is a horsein this photo .

There is a girl .

There is a sheepin this photo .

There is a cat .

There is a girl underthe tree .

There are somenice photos.


2.观察句子,让学生发现并总结在there be 句型中,be动词的用法,什么时候用is,什么时候用are。

老师总结主语是单数或不可数名词,be动词用is ,并且大屏幕展示并总结学过的不可数名词:water , milk , juice ,

rice , meat , bread,

主语是复数,be 动词用are ;

如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be动词的那个名词决定。

There is a boy andtwo girls there .

There are twogirls and a boy there .

There is a book on the desk.  There is somewater in the glass.

There are three men under the tree .  There isa bag, two books and three pens on the desk.

Task 2.Test


(  )1.There ____ twelveboys on the  bikes . 

   A. are    B.be     C. is

(  )2. There ____ apanda in the photo .  

       A.are    B. be     C. is

(  )3. There ____ a bookand two bags .

   A. are    B.be     C. is

(  )4. There ____ twobags and  a    book .

   A. are    B.be     C. is

(  )5. There ____ ahorse in this photo .  It’s ____ fast .

   A. is , run     B.is , running

   C. are , running   D. are , run

(  )6.There ____ a girlhere and there     are ____ two boys there.

   A. is , are     B.is , is

   C. are , are    D.are , is



There ______     a kid in the classroom .

There ______     some flowers in the room .

There ______     four people in my family .

There ______     a picture and two books .

5.There ______ two books and a picture .

6.There ______ some milk .

7.There ______ some children .

Task 3 : 根据大屏幕提示用There is …. There are ….看图说句子:


Task 4 :I think I can do .

用学过的There be句型来描述在教室里看到的人或物品。

Task 5 :There be 句型一般疑问句

1.there be句型 一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。

There is a boy.

一般疑问句:Is there a boy?        

Yes , there is.  No , there isn’t .

There are two cats.  

Are there two cats?   

Yes , there are.     No , there aren’t .

Step 2 :Havea test


Step 3: Summary


There be的用法是什么?

Step 3: Homework

1.用There be 句型来描述自己的教室。(至少五句话)

教学反思:从这堂课可以看出,本节课的There be… .句型教学涉及到了一般疑问句句式变化,因为是四年级学生,没有涉及到的some 和any的用法,对于四年级的学生来说较为难接受。如果教师急于求成提问学生,而采取满堂灌硬塞的方式,那样学习效率也不是很高。只有待学生将“There be …”句型操练熟练后,教师不妨再对学生提问,学生自然便会脱口而出。这个“雪球”也会在学生的一点一滴吸收中,愈滚愈大。 “滚雪球”式的教学方式,将句型分解成短语,再化解成独个单词,这样单词、短语、句型兼顾的方法使学生和教师都能从中得利。最后,再将完整的对话呈现给学生,学生也比较容易接受。在教师一步步逐层深入的激励下,学生的知识点自然也如“雪球”一样,越来越牢固,越来越厚实。
