
iss Liu do yesterday?
T do actions, Ss guess and use sentences describe.
For examples:

学生用英语描述:You cooked yesterday.
2). (教师做打电脑的动作)
学生用英语描述:You played computer games yesterday.
Step III. Presentation
(3)学生以小组为单位回忆学过的动词或动词词组,并总结出来。各组选出一名代表向全班汇报。教师问学生: Where did you go on summer vacation ?如果学生回答出来教师可以进一步问:What did you do? What did you see ? What did you eat?What did you comeback?
      下面我们将听到Lingling,Sam 和Amy的谈话。通过今天的学习,大家可以进一步了解如何用英语叙述过去发生的事情。
(1)出示本课挂图,请学生仔细看图,然后教师提问:Who can you see in the picture ? Do you know this place ? Are Lingling, Sam and Amy in English or in China ?
(2)教师指着图中的新人物John告诉学生:“He is John.”接着问:“What are they talking about ? Let us listen.”播放录音,学生边听边看书。(3)分段播放录音,请学生回答问题,如When did Sam and Amy come back ?
(4)通过各种方式教授新单词。特别是drop wait those 等。
StepⅣ Practice
1.(展示图片).T: Who is she? Yes, it’s me. On summer vacation my family went to Qingdao .We went there by car. My daughter and I went swimming in the sea. We ate some seafood. At there, we had a good time.
2. Talk about the summer vacation
1) I want to know where did you go on summer vacation?
2) When did you come back?
3) How did you go there?
4) What did you eat?
5) What did you wear? …
StepⅤ Homework
Say and write: What did your parents or friends do last weekend?
