
ary helps her mum to clear up the ___________ after the dinner.

⑤ I learned to bake a cake in the _____________,so that I can make good use of it.

⑥ What happened to your new trousers? They are so dirty,put them into the _________.

⑦ Jame is taking a bath in the _________.

⑧ — Oh dear! I feel so hot.

   — Take a cold coke from the ___________.


5. 词汇记忆的方法。

要指导学生学习词汇的方法和“背单词”的方法。在学生对生词的音、形、义都 熟悉的基础上,要用时间“记单词”。“记单词”的方法因人而异。有的人听觉记忆强,要多听多说,有的人视觉记忆强,要多看多写。记单词时一定注意让学生以音节为单位。

6. 词汇扩展的方法。


① 利用关联词群(或称联想词群)。学习、扩展英语词汇需要了解词汇的系统性和联系性,发现词与词之间的关系,就能收到事半功倍的效果。通过联想可以复习旧词汇,学习新词汇,不断扩充新的内容。

关联词群指意义或形式上有关联的一组词,意义关联词如:chair,table,couch,stool 等。形式关联词如:walking,cleaning sitting,reading 等。

学一个词时同时学习其他几个有关联的词是使词汇扩展的好方法。如学习了 orange 一词,知道这是一种水果,就可以把其他学过的有关词放在一起复习,如 apple,pear,banana。还要同时学习几个有关水果的新词。

教师应注意培养学生联想的能力。例如教 furniture 一词时,教师不应只给出中文“家具”,而是应该利用学生学过的词进行讲教件,如:A desk is furniture,a table is furnitrue, a bed is furniture,a cupboard is furniture. What does the word "furniture" mean? 又如,教师可把一组关联词写在黑板上:


boating            ↑          skating

surfing    ←    sports    →  diving

water-skiing       ↓          cycling


② 利用构词知识扩展词汇。教师要尽早教学生一些构词法方面的知识,特别是常用的前缀、后缀和词根等。这样学起新词来就省时省力。可以通过推理思考,使有限的词汇化为无限的生成词汇的能力。常见的前缀如:

un-,re-, mis-, over-,auto-, super-,dis-, im- 等。常见后缀有:-er,-or,-ist,-able,-1ess,-ful, -en, -ern, -ion, -ish,-ity, -ly,-ment,-ness,-some,-ward 等。

③ 通过上下文猜测词义。在上阅读课或布置课后阅读文章时,教师可先只介绍,讲解学生理解起来最困难的词,其他生词的词义要鼓励学生通过对上下文的理解去猜测。例如猜测下段话中划线的词的词意,(这些词都是虚构的),它们可能会是什么意思呢?

A country girl was walking along the snerd with a roggle of milk on her head,she began saying to herself. The money for which I will sell this milk will make me enough money to increase my trund of eggs to three hundred. These eggs will produce the same number of chickens,and I will be able to sell the chickens for a large wunk of money.Before 10ng,I will have enough money to live a rich and fallentious life. All the young men will want to marry me.But I will refuse them all with a ribble of the head 1ike this...

And as she ribbled her head,the roggle fell to the ground and all the milk ran in a white stream along the snerd,carrying her plans with it.



a. 利用上下文的同义关系猜测词义,如:

 Thousands of slaves ran away each year.Some fled to get away from cruel owners.

b. 利用因果关系,如:

I was so absorbed that I didn"t hear footsteps coming up behind me.

c. 利用对比关系,如:

In New York, they lived in a cramped apartment,very different from their comfortable house in London.

d. 利用句中描述,如:

She is a flail person,only five feet,three inches tall and 115 pounds.

