
ethods Purposes Step 1: Warm-up Warm-up 利用多媒体课件出示人物职业图片,学生操练What does he do? 句型。如: S1: What does he do? S2: He is a businessman. S1: What does she do? S2: She is a head teacher. S1: What does your mother do? S2: She is a singer. S1: What does your father do? S2: He is a doctor. … Step2: Presentation Let’s learn 拿着一张工厂工人的照片,问:What does she do? 引导学生回答:She is a factory worker. 板书并教读词组factory worker,注意单词factory和worker的发音,可采用拆音拼音法教读:fac-tory,work-er。示范朗读,引导学生观察口型,并注意模仿,由慢到快教读。待学生发音较准确后,可采用如下方式练习: factory, factory, F一A一C一T一O一R 一Y, factory worker, worker, W一O一R一K一E一R, worker factory worker, factory worker 2. 拿出一张邮递员的照片,问:What does he do? 引导学生回答:He is a postman. 板书并教读单词postman.可用拆分法教读单词post-man。男女生运用所学句型交替进行问答练习,如: Girls: What do you do? Boys: I am a postman. Boys: What do you do? Girls: I am a postman. 3. 出示商人的图片,问学生:What does he do? 学生回答:He is a businessman. 板书并教读单词businessman。 4.出示警察的照片,问:What does she do? 引导学生回答:She is a police officer. 板书并教读词组police officer。 5. 问一位学生:Is your father a postman? 引导学生回答:No, he isn’t.继续问:Is your father a police officer? 学生回答:No, he isn’t.教师再问:What does he do? 学生回答:He is a/an... 6. 播放Let’s learn部分的录音,学生先静听,注意仔细听单词的发音,然后反复播放音,学生跟读。 让学生能直观感受、学习单词。 Step3: Practice Listen, match and say 1. 播放Listen, match and say部分的录音,让学生匹配相应信息,题目如下: Jiao Jie’s mother police officer Ge Nan’s father postman Zhou Jia’s mother factory worker Liu Qian’s father businesswoman 学生做好练习,教师核对答案。然后教师和一名学生示范对话,最后学生间就此部分信息展开对话练习,鼓励学生运用所学语言自由发挥,如: T: Is Jiao Jie’s mother a police officer? S: No, she isn’t. T: What does Jiao Jie’s mother do? S: She’s a businesswoman. 2. 把学生分成两人—组背靠背坐好,Listen, match and say部分的内容向组员进行提问,组员回答,如此进行比赛,看谁回答得又快又好。句型如: S1: What does Ge Nan’s father do? S2: He’s a police officer. 3. 出示职业图片,学生说出相应单词,或教教师说单词,学生指出相应的图片。 通过活动来活跃课堂 复习本课所学知识。 让学生在实际情景中运用所学内容。 Step4: Consolidation and extension 1. 学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词。 2. 做活动手册上的配套练习。 【板书设计】
Unit 5 What does he do? factory worker            postman businessman              police officer    Is your father a postman? No, he isn’t. What does he do? He’s a businessman.
