
any animals come to the Zoom’s food shop.Look,they are…(课件展示让学生看图说有哪些小动物来到了Zoom’s food shop,其实这就是短文中的人物,为短文的学习打下伏笔。)Guess.What’s lion’s /monkey’s/cat’s/rabbit’s favourite food?(让学生猜猜这些小动物喜欢的饮食,为此设下悬念,激发学生阅读短文的欲望。)Tlease listen and tell me the answer.(让学生带着自己的疑问去听录音,在听地过程中来寻找答案。)T:Please read the passage again and circle difficult words and sentences and find “What are their favourite food?”and “Why?”(教会学生学习的方法。)Help each other in groups.Understand your difficult words and sentences.Say the answers.Check the answers and help them understand difficult words and sentences.(大屏幕出示学生不能理解的词汇和句子。)Listen to the tape again and read after it.(模仿语音语调,能有感情的读短文。)Read aloud and think”How do you ask and answer sb’s favourite food and drink?”(让学生再次有感情地读短文,自己边读边试着归纳概括出如何来询问和回答他人和自己的饮食爱好的几种表达方式。) Step4Consolidation教师先示范运用所学的知识谈论自己和他人的饮食爱好,然后让学生与同桌交流自己的饮食爱好,最后全班交流讨论要养成合理营养科学健康的饮食习惯。 Step5Wrap up Step6Sing a song 《An apple a day》 Step7Homework 为自己的家人设计一份科学合理健康营养的饮食菜单。
